John Nicholas and his wife celebrate the ad for his new book just above the main stage in New York’s Times Square.

Thankfully no one got hurt and he started digging for direction. He soon discovered keys that changed his outlook and launched him toward seemingly impossible goals and achievements.
Nicholas then observed the same key principles have fueled high-impact people throughout history – from Bible heroes to high-tech billionaires, sports icons, creators and influencers – and recognized how they can help us all, if we know about them.
Now, after going from ‘dumb jock’ to Ivy League scholar, pro football player, pastor and award-winning sports media and real estate entrepreneur, Nicholas is on a mission to empower everyone who seeks a greater life of impact, success or happiness.
“I hope you’ll join me on this epic quest to explore and harness your personal history, dreams and DNA, and to realize your ultimate destiny. Let’s go!”

Don’t miss your mark or fall short of your potential. Get this free summary and start harnessing the power of your history, dreams and DNA, today!

President JFK’s vision took us to the moon, while MLK’s dream sought peace on earth. Our dreams and visions both require and inspire greatness.

You will meet and study extraordinary people, from Bible heroes to hi-tech billionaires, world leaders, sports icons, innovators and creators, and learn how to harness the same breakthrough dynamics that empowered them.
You will learn how to seek, target and realize your ultimate destiny – no matter what your age, background or situation.
So don’t miss your mark. Grab this book, buckle your seat belt and get ready for the epic ride of your life.
“This book offers unforgettable characters, relevant stories and a true paradigm shift about how to view and change your own life.” – Advanced (verified) Review

Get your (PDF) Copy Today!

Please don't miss your mark - or this opportunity!

This Amazon ‘Short Read’ book presents a streamlined (37-page) introduction to the seven keys of Personal Convergence, and provides a behind-the-scenes look at the story of David and Goliath. You can order an eBook or paperback copy on Amazon/ Kindle.

Steve Jobs grew up right next door to Silicon Valley while Elon Musk had to cross the globe to get there. Either way, each one harnessed his unique history, dreams and DNA, and we must do the same.

Are you facing a big decision in your life, career, business or calling? Seeking to balance your daily demands, or clarify your vision, mission or purpose in life?
Ready for some self-discovery or breakthrough coaching to spark, rekindle or pursue your dreams?
Maybe you’d just to explore your history, dreams and DNA with someone who listens, understands and knows how to help you harness your power and create a game plan to realize your ultimate destiny.
If so, here’s some good news.
Bestselling author, speaker and coach John Nicholas is offering personal consultations with a mind-boggling ‘Launch 2024’ discount of almost 70% off his standard rate of $997…meaning your 100% money-back guaranteed consultation is now just $297 for as long as this offer lasts (i.e. as long as John’s schedule permits).
Your personal consultation includes a proprietary 40-question Bullseye Life Assessment for you to complete, which John will study before your meeting and review with you during your 1-hour consultation, while addressing your questions and discussion points.

To schedule your consultation date/time or to learn more, submit your contact info and we will coordinate with you immediately.

Oprah Winfrey and Mother Teresa both came from humble beginnings yet birthed ambitious visions to reach, touch and change the world. By caring about others we can too.

Social Media
You can follow John’s colorful insights, adventures and entertaining videos, pics, ads and posts on these social platforms:
@nicholas4success (Insta & Facebook)
BullseyeTV (YouTube)
Don’t forget to Follow, Like and comment!
Videos & Interviews
How to Harness Nuclear Powered Success Keys
Get John’s ‘Street-level’ View and Intro from Times Square

Walt Disney created an entertainment empire, while Dwayne Johnson was raised in one. Yet both harnessed their vision, imagination and relentless effort to realize their dreams.
Contact Us Anytime!
We invite you to say hello, share your story and your comments or questions with us 24/7 and we promise to reply ASAP.
Please also visit and follow John @nicholas4success on Instagram and Facebook.

Whether it be the electrical genius of Nikola Tesla or the musical talent of Taylor Swift, the gifts and talents we possess must be shared with the world.